The population of Zaporozhye is about 1 million people. It is situated in the south of Ukraine on the bank of the river Dnieper . Zaporozhye is a large industrial, scientific and cultural center. It has 8 higher educational institutions and many colleges. It is a center of metallurgical industry, a center of production of aircraft engines, a center of instrument-making industry. Zaporozhye region is located in the maritime - steppe zone, summer is hot (an average temperature - +20,7 0 - +23.6 0 ), winter is mild (an average temperature - -4 0 ). The climate of the Azov sea-side where a sport-health resort is situated has its unique peculiarities: the air of sea harmonized well with the air of stepper. There are sunny days the whole year round.
About Ukraine
Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe with the territory of 603,700 Its population is 50 million people. The capital and the largest city of Ukraine is Kiev. The neighboring countries of Ukraine are: Belarus, Russia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and Poland . To the South Ukraine is washed with Black Sea and Sea of Azov. The country has the sea boarders with Turkey, Bulgaria and Georgia.
The neighboring countries of Ukraine are: Belarus, Russia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and Poland . To the South Ukraine is washed with Black Sea and Sea of Azov. The country has the sea boarders with Turkey, Bulgaria and Georgia.
Ukraine is a state with the democratic form of governing, headed by the nation-wide elected president. The verkhovna Rada (the Ukranian parliament) is the highest legislative body. It consists of 450 members, elected for 4-term in accordance with the proportional majority system. On August 24, 1991 Ukraine declared itself an independent state. In an effort to rebuild the country of Ukraine has opened her doors to foreign investors, businessmen, and foremost to tourists.
Ukraine has always been hospitable and friendly, always happy to receive foreign businessmen, foreign guests, tourists and students.
The richly talented Ukrainian people have created wonderful architecture, many monuments both secular and religious, dating from 11th to 18th centuries can be seen in all throughout Ukraine towns and cities. If you get a chance, visit some of the many historic sites and towns, where numerous treasures will tell you of the great past and traditions. The past is reflected in the architecture and atmosphere of cities.
Ukraine has a well-developed economy with considerable portions of agricultural and industrial sectors. Space and rocket engineering, aircraft and ship building, high tech equipment production are among the main branches of the Ukrainian industry.
Space and rocket complex of Ukraine has great potential. Ukraine is distinguished by a high level scientific potential. After Ukraine regained its independence, ideas of nation cultural revival stimulated the process of democratization in cultural sphere, pluralism in a creativity process, made cultural life in the regions more active. Broadening of international contacts has become a positive tendency.
Cultural life of national minorities in Ukraine - Bulgarian, Greek, Jewish, Crimean Tartar, German, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Hungarian and dozens of others - is very diversified. A system of national schools, libraries, mass media, scientific centers, radio and television, theatres and creative societies is being developed. Languages of all peoples inhabiting the territory of Ukraine are granted equality on the state level.
Today Ukraine is an internationally oriented center of high technology, with speech technology, micro electronics, chips development, media technology and genetic engineering as out standing examples. Thanks to international communications and transport systems it is literally the hub of central Europe.
Ukraine has well-developed economy with considerable portions of agricultural and industrial sectors. Space and rocket engineering, aircraft and ship building, high tech equipment production are among the main branches of the Ukrainian industry. Electrical equipment made in Ukraine is highly rated in the world. Power station turbines, transformers, high-voltage instruments are used in many countries.
Ukraine is distinguished by a high level scientific potential. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has won a world-wide recognition as a science center of physical studies of materials, in particular, in the sphere of electric welding, special electric metallurgy, synthetic super hard materials and tools made from them. The National Academy of sciences, higher educational institutions of Ukraine maintain broad international contacts. Broadening of international contacts has become a positive tendency.
Cooperation with developing countries: Ukraine attaches great importance to the international economic, scientific, medical and technological cooperation, particularly in the field of sharing the national experience with other countries. First of all it concerns training of highly skilled technical and medical personnel for developing countries. A lot of specialists from the developing countries have graduated from the educational institutions of Ukraine.
HUMAN RIGHTS: As an independent state, Ukraine achieved a substantial progress in development of the national system and mechanisms in the sphere of protection of human rights and freedoms. Democratic elections, political pluralism, freedom of speech and mass media, establishing the democratic social state based on the rule of law have become reality. The human being, his or her life and health, dignity and safety are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. Ukraine became a party to all basic international instruments in the field of human rights.
Ukraine has always paid great attention to the United Nations activity in promotion and protection of human rights. The Ukrainian constitution also guarantees the right of every person to appeal to relevant international institutions and organizations for protection of his or her rights. Ukrainians openness, accessibility and efficiency are more than just empty words.
Higher Education for Foreign students: As a foreign student you will discover a region full of surprising contrasts. You will find yourself quickly becoming part of it, especially during the many festivals and the intense cultural life, for which the region is famous.
Higher education within the Ukrainian community has always been open to foreign students. Its student body comprised of men and women from all over the world has the invaluable experience of studying together with students from many different natural and cultural backgrounds. The contact with students all over the world broadens understanding of other peoples and provides valuable friendships, some of which last a lifetime.
TRANSPORTATION: Ukraine is linked with most major European cities. Most international flights go to Ukraine. International trains enter Ukraine from several countries. Sail by ship is also available between various cities in the black sea and Mediterranean. All official land border crossings into Ukraine are unrestricted, if you have a visa ahead of time.
Getting between major Ukrainian cities is best done by train and also by flight. They are frequent , cheap and often convenient journey. There are bus services to most cities and towns. Taxi services are numerous in Ukraine. Fines are imposed if traffic police smell alcohol in a driver's breath. Driving Speed limits are 40 kph in built-up areas, 90 kph in countryside and 110kph on the motorways. For foreigners an international driving license is required to drive automobiles in Ukraine.